Sunday, January 5, 2014

Bioshock Infinite Notes

I choose to start a new game on Medium.

In darkness we hear Elizabeth asks Booker if he is afraid of God, he tells her that he isn't, but he is afraid of her.
Booker is in a boat, on rough seas out in the rain, a lighthouse can be seen in the distance ahead. Two people in rainwear are in the boat with Booker. They are arguing about the experiment. The woman gives Booker a box. Inside the box is a gun, a key and a picture of Elizabeth. I can see the man's face, but the woman never shows hers. The boat reaches a jetty and I can move the camera about. I can then climb up a ladder and out of the boat. The boat leaves and the only option seems to be to head up towards the lighthouse. At the door of the lighthouse a note is left for Booker. It asks him to bring someone the girl and his debt will be wiped clean. Inside the lighthouse a bowl is waiting with a sign suggesting we be washed of our sins. I use the basin and Booker looks inside. He then tells the sign that it would need good luck with that. The lower floor is empty, A sign at the stairs reads "from Sodom shall I lead thee." ON the second floor are some items to take. A telephone is dead. A map shows a circular route, presumably taken by the flying city. There is a tipped over table and some broken crockery, suggesting a struggle. Another sign wants to take us to our own land. On the next floor up a man sits tied up with a hood over his head. The man is dead, shot in the forehead. It looks like he has been tortured. a note is pinned to his chest which says don't disappoint us. A cigarette is sitting in an ashtray, suggesting that the killer is still present. I go up the last flight of stairs and come out on top of the lighthouse at the actual light. There is a set of three bells here. They have symbols on them, a scroll, key and sword.
Booker produces a card, which he found in the case. It shows the symbols and an order and amount of rings for each one. I play the tune in order. A red light shines from the sky in a musical pattern. Then the lighthouse light answers in the same code. The light then moves out of the way and a chair emerges from the space it vacates. It looks like a barbers chair. I sit in the chair and manacles appear around my wrist. The chair is surrounded by a pod and we see that it is a rocket. Booker loses his gun into the rocket's engines. The pod takes off and flies up into the clouds. suddenly Columbia appears in it's glory and Booker's pod descends to land, thrusters can be heard moving it to a landing pad. The pad accepts the pod and then takes the pod down inside a building. The pod descends through a factory type area and we come to rest in a room with a large stained glass window. The window shows a bearded man leading his flock to the new Eden, he calls himself the Prophet. Music can be heard, a hymn like tune. In the next room is a huge statue of the Prophet. Two rooms with church like seats and more stained glass show a baby referred to as the lamb. A woman is shown, she looks like Elizabeth, it may be her mother. An audio log reveals the Woman to be lady Comstock. I move on and find a large open room leading to an altar at the far end. I can hear a preacher and there are robed men and women moving towards the altar. The preachers is talking about the prophet not doing something which it seems the Chinese wanted. I reach the preacher and he wants to baptize me before I can enter the city. It seems innocuous enough. The preacher holds us under the water for a second then lets us up. He says the Booker does not look clean and holds him down again. Booker appears to pass out and we see a flashback. Booker is in a small room, it appears that the debt referred to may be gambling debts. Booker also has a badge as if he is a police man. The door is being hammered on. I go to it and open it. Outside we see a city which is being bombarded by airships raining down fireballs. One heads straight for booker and envelopes him. He awakes in a pool surrounded by statues holding out the key, scroll and sword. The statues are of Jefferson, Franklin and Washington. Groups of white robed people are kneeling and praying in front of it. As I approach them they quote religious dogma. They all look alike. I move through a door and into the city proper for the first time. The building I am in is floating down towards another. As they meet interlocking teeth join up and the way forward opens up. Sky rails are above and freight moves along them. The buildings are grand and imposing. Citizens go about their business. In a clothes shop I find an audio log from Father Comstock. I move along the street and find a parade of propaganda balloons. Showing the prophet as the father of the miracle child, which is likely Elizabeth. I find a kinetoscope which shows a film talking about the false Shepherd. Seems that Booker may actually be the false Shepherd. A floating barge has a barbershop quartet singing an acappella beach boys song. I find a huge statue of Columbia, a woman, in the distance. This seems to be a marker for where Booker should look for Elizabeth. I move into a fairground type area. There is the promise of a fair up ahead. Displays of the vigors are the main attraction. A vigor attraction has us picking up a devil hiding behind a woman and child. A shooting gallery has us shooting Vox-populi off the skylines. I come to a possession stall. This vigor allows us to take control of machines for our benefit. I come to a gate that won't allow us into the raffle. The tickets are all sold out. Handily the possession vigor can sort this out for us. I move on through the gate, I am met by a man and a woman. They urge us to flip a coin. A statue of a man changes into a woman. It seems they are the Lutece twins, who gave Columbia it's wings. A girl called Constance on a voxophone has heard that the Lutece woman can visit the lamb, she asks that she may be allowed to. A sign says that we will know the False Shepherd by his Mark. There is a brand on the back of his hand, the letters AD. Booker has the brand, proving him the False Shepherd. The music starts to take on a dissonance as I approach the raffle. A large crowd surrounds a stage. A girl calls to Booker and asks him to take a ball. The man on the stage then draws the winner, which is of course Booker. A man and a woman are brought forth, the woman is african, the man Asian. It seems that what we have won is the chance to throw the first ball at the pair. Is this a public stoning?
I am given the choice to throw the ball at the people or the announcer. I choose to do that and am accosted by two policemen. They notice the brand and attack me with their skyhook. Booker pushes one of them and he accidently mashes the other policeman's face with the skyhook. Booker grabs the skyhook and kills the second policeman. We now have control back and have a melee weapon in the skyhook. Police appear and I kill them. One arrives with a gun and I get the weapon.
The right triggers fires the pistol and the left the vigor. At a few points I find auto turrets. Using possession makes them fire on the policemen. Once all the enemies in the area are downed I find I can move on through a gate that was barred and guarded by police earlier.
In this new area the police call for a fireman. An armored enemy humanoid appears and begins throwing fireballs that explode at us. I shoot him down and find that he had dropped the vigor called Devils kiss. I drink it and my hands combust and burn down to the bone. Then suddenly heal again. I can now throw fireballs and also make explosive traps. This new area is called monument island.

On the way to Monument island
I am blocked in one direction, the only way to go is through a restaurant called the blue ribbon. There are three Kinectoscopes here, they show the rise of Columbia. Then it appears that the Prophet used Columbia to attack China. It seems that the American government wasn't exactly happy about him doing it either. The last one shows that Columbia Seceded from the union. The Lutece twins are inside the bar. They give me a shield. A voxophone from a journalist enlisted to write the Prophet's biography give more hints to the ability to predict the future, which is of course why he is called the Prophet. It seems that the Prophet has seen Booker will come and what is to happen next. I have a fight on the rooftops and get a machine gun from the police. I fall through a skylight into a private residence. It seems that not all of the population are on the side of the regime. It seems that some are still loyal to America and some are also helping the ethnic minorities. I find a locked chest which gives the first side quest. A voxophone tells of a hunter who has been asked to hunt a woman named Daisy Fitzroy for the Prophet.

Fraternal order of the raven
I cross into a new area. There is a statue of Comstock attacking an Asian man, though he is depicted as half serpent or dragon. Inside is a statue to John Wilkes Booth, the man who assassinated Lincoln. I fight some men inside what looks like a gentleman's club. Only it is full of birds, rotting food, flies and bird shit. In a picture Lincoln is portrayed as a devil with horns as Wilkes Booth shoots him. I climb the stairs and find a group of men in a church like area. They are dressed in the robes of the KKK. A man on the stage preaches to them about the secession. I start the fight and have to take the robed men on.  I find the key to the locked chest on the altar. I now need to go back and find the chest in the residence. I go back the the chest, some enemies have re spawned. Inside is simply a health upgrade. The upgrades can be chosen, health, shield or salts. I go back to the altar of the order of the raven.
An elevator takes us further up inside the order's building. I push a bookcase aside here and find a secret cell. In this area is my first piece of gear. It seems I can wear four items which provide buffs. I now have the ability to make people go on fire when I jump off a skyhook next to them. I go up some stairs and it looks like I am about to face the leader of the ravens. The leader has the ability to call the ravens to attack his enemies. This is shown by him killing a tied up victim. He can also teleport. He attacks me with crows and also a sword. He isn't all that hard to kill. I get the murder of crows vigor from him.
Some police appear to fight and I get to test out the murder of crows on them.
I find some gear on the way out the back door of the raven building.

Gondola station
I am to head towards the gondola station. I enter it and a new map loads. Inside the station I am told to try and find a Gondola to monument island. Inside the station I find an emplaced gun and plenty of enemies to fight. I move out and find gondolas parked beside sky rail stations. The gondolas are closed. I will have to use the skyline with my skyhook if I want to progress. I jump onto the skyline and it's a wild ride. Thing progress fast now. I am moving quickly among buildings. enemies are firing at me as I ride the lines. I can jump off onto enemies and my fire ability is devastating here. I have to move some freight boxes that are blocking my way. I enter a building and suddenly all the guards stop attacking. the Prophet has finally deemed it time to come find us. A large balloon with a video screen on the side appears and Comstock speaks to us from it. He tells us that it always ends in blood. As he speaks Bookers fingers begin bleeding. He asks us to come onto the balloon and crashes it into the side of the building. I go towards it and am attacked by guards again. I thought he wanted to see me? I fight the guards inside and then am told to find the controls. I do and begin to operate them. In cut scene Comstock appears on a small flying barge outside. He tells us that the Lord has to forgive, but he doesn't have to. A woman in the zeppelin sets herself alight and the thing burns quickly. It appears that the Prophet does indeed intend to do us in. I escape by running to the back of the zeppelin as it burns and jumping out of the now open doors at the back. I have to grab onto a skyline and make my way to a landing point. I watch as the zeppelin plummets in flames towards the ground. Handily I have landed on monument island, which is where I need to be.

Monument island.
I come to a locked and barred gate. I can use a hook to get over it.
Inside the building are a large amount of signs suggesting that the specimen is dangerous. I don't think anyone could forget with this amount of signage. A voxophone from the cleaner here tells us that the science people are scared witless by whatever they are keeping in the tower. A chart on the wall shows that the specimen is obviously Elizabeth, if we were in any doubt. Some electronics appear to be on the fritz in the tower. I am warned by the signs that there is a 48 hour then a 72 hour quarantine beyond these points. I find some effects of Elizabeth, stuck in jars inside a machine. Her teddy from age four, her poetry book aged 11 and disgustingly her first period. Pulling a lever seems to change the state of the object back and forth, maybe through time. In the next rooms I see a dark room with pictures taken candidly of Elizabeth. A projector shows images of her trying to break out, breaking codes, dancing, singing and painting. The chairs in the projection room are all overturned. There is a large metal door, which may be the way into Elizabeth's cell. I move through a massive door and find a large machine called the Siphon. It seems that it is being used to take some kind of energy from Elizabeth. A voxophone here reveals that Comstock has cancer. However he wants to stop Booker from leading Elizabeth astray before he dies. He tells us that Elizabeth is his air. Is it possible that the energy is being siphoned off to be used to attack the ground population? I use a lift behind the siphon to go up to the observation area. A machine called a specimen tracker shows us which room of the prison Elizabeth is in. I can move around the outside of the set of rooms that Elizabeth is held inside. There are viewing ports with two way mirrors. I see her looking at a picture of the Eiffel tower. Then move on to the next room and Elizabeth appears to open a whole in space and time to a new world. An alternate reality. One where I can hear pop music, see the Eiffel tower and a sign shows that Revenge of the Jedi is playing at the cinema. It is a futuristic world compared to the time period that Columbia occupies. Is Elizabeth creating wormholes to other realities?
A voxophone from the female Lutece tells us that Elizabeth is not of this reality. Could she have been brought through from a parallel universe by the science experiments of the Lutece's. I see Elizabeth standing looking out of a large Window in her massive library. I go through a door and find that I am now outside on the shoulder of the huge statue of Columbia. Inside I find what may be a lift. Stepping on it causes it to Collapse and I fall into Elizabeth's library. She attacks us with books, Booker eventually makes her stop. She asks if he is real. A statue lights up with a hooting tune. Elizabeth tells us that we must leave as he is coming. She is talking about the Songbird. She tells Booker that there is no way out. He gives her the key that he got from the box at the start of the game. It opens the door and Elizabeth leaves, I follow. Elizabeth tell us that it is Songbird's job to keep her locked up. She asks why Booker is there. Songbird begins to tear the building looking for her. Massive claws rend huge scrapes in the outer metal of the statue. Elizabeth sees the outside of her rooms and learns that they have been watching her. She asks Booker what she is. I get back to the lift and we have to wait for it. The songbird bursts into the lift shaft and we see it's massive Eye looking through the door at us. It seems to get knocked out of the way by the lift and we move through the wreckage into a set of stairs. The stairs come out onto the side of the statue. I move upwards on a curving walkway. We come to a dead end. Suddenly the statue falls, as if the Songbird has finally broken it entirely. Booker grabs Elizabeth by the hand as they fall and I can then attach to a skyline. As we move at pace through a long winding skyline I can see the Songbird swooping in to try and catch us. It is causing havoc and damaging the city massively. Eventually it knocks down the entire skyline that we are on and we both fall into water. The songbird dives in after us and grabs Booker, it's eye looking closely at his face. The pressure seems to be increasing as the Songbird's eye begins to crack. It lets us go and Booker keeps sinking, passing into unconsciousness.
I am back in Booker's office. Elizabeth is there, though she only repeats the order to bring the girl and wipe away the debt. I open the door and the screen fades to white.

Battleship bay.
I wake with Elizabeth doing CPR on Booker. Elizabeth has a finger missing, with a thimble over the tip. Elizabeth hears music and goes to investigate. Booker gets up and I get control back. I am on a beach. A simulated beach in the clouds. I find a picture of an airship that belongs to Lady Comstock, Booker thinks aloud that it may be his ticket out of Columbia. I move on through the beach looking for Elizabeth. Eventually I find her on a jetty dancing among a group of people near some musicians. Booker persuades her to leave by telling her that she can go to Paris on an airship. I move on with her, Elizabeth moves around on her own. she waits for you if you dawdle. I move through a shop and onto the upper boardwalk of the beach area. I meet the Lutece twins, they give Elizabeth the choice of two gifts. A badge with either a cage or a bird on it. I choose the bird, it suggests Freedom for Elizabeth. I come to a room where the police have a road block and are searching the crowd looking for us. I go around and a locked door is picked by Elizabeth for us. I move through a slave area, the two slaves who nearly got stoned at the raffle thank us for saving them. I move into an arcade like area. Then through into a station. A woman called Esther mistakes Elizabeth from someone called Annabelle. The way is barred, it seems like I have to speak to a man behind the ticket desk. It is a trap, suddenly the crowd reveal themselves as enemies and I am attacked. Elizabeth freaks out and runs. She slips through some bars that we cannot pass. I have another wave of policemen to kill before I can go after her. I catch Elizabeth at a gondola, she is trying to pull the lever to start it, but doesn't have the strength. I do, and then she berates me for killing the enemies. Obviously distressed by the carnage. Booker asks her if she thought that after all the expense Comstock had went to to keep her in the lab, did she really think they were going to be allowed to leave without a fight?

Soldiers Field
The gondola arrives at Soldiers field with Elizabeth tending to Booker's wounds.
I find a lock pick in this eagle themed tourist nightmare. Elizabeth can use it to open the locked doors for us. Elizabeth explains that the soldiers field amusement park is designed to indoctrinate children into being good patriots. A kinetoscope tells us that Columbia flies because of Quantum mechanics rather than balloons and rockets. Elizabeth asks if Booker is married, he tells her that his wife died in childbirth. I move out of the station  and into the theme park proper. There are streets and shops. I steal a shotgun called a heater from a a store which spawns in some enemies to kill. I find the gondola to the airship, our objective. It breaks down, we need the shock jock vigor to get it working again. Elizabeth points out that there is a sign showing shock jock is being demonstrated at the Hall of Heroes. Looks like that is our objective now. I head to the hall and take an elevator, on the way up the elevator stalls. I open a panel and as Booker investigates the electrics Elizabeth is bothered by a bee. She does not want to kill it, so she opens a tear and lets it through. She explains to Booker that the tears are like windows, that she can bring things back from the other worlds. The tear is open onto a window with flowers on the sill. To illustrate Elizabeth picks a rose and puts it in her hair. The Songbird appears in the sky and swoops down. Elizabeth closes the tear just in time to stop it catching them. Booker tells her not to open any more tears. I find that the hall of heroes has been closed because it has been vandalized. I find the bucking bronco vigor here. I find a voxophone from a Captain Slate, seems he is not happy with Comstock. He may be the leader of the Vox Populi, who seem to be the resistance in Columbia to the brainwashing of Comstock. I move out into a street and am ambushed by enemies. A crow boss is with them.
In a bar I find soldiers who have been killed. It seems that these are soldiers of the Vox Populi who are fighting Comstock's forces. I have to clear the skyline station of cargo containers so that we can take the skyline to the hall of heroes. It seems that Slate may be holed up there, will he be friendly to us or simply try and kill us.

Hall of Heroes
I take the skylines to the hall. I find an rocket launcher here. Statues have been defaced outside the hall. I have a fight on the steps. Slate is as mad as Comstock, and we will have to fight his men as well as Comstock's. I enter the hall. Slate speaks to us over a loudspeaker system and sends his men against us. Booker begs to just be given the shock jock and left to leave in peace. Slate is mad with rage at Comstock for taking the glory for the wars he fought for him. I move into exhibits, one of the boxer rebellion. I have to fight soldiers and a fireman here. Then into an exhibit, about the war with American Indians. I fight enemies and a crow. I go back to the hub and now move into an exhibit about lady Comstock. It seems she was murdered by a group of anarchists. The exhibit tells us that the seed of the Prophet lay in the ladies womb for just a week. It also tells us that the child was taken ill. The next exhibit shows Comstock taking his daughter to the tower statue. Elizabeth realizes that it is her. She is angry. In the next area we learn about the murder of Lady Comstock by Daisy Fitzroy. Then we see that Comstock drove Fitzroy and the vox Populi out of Columbia.
I come to a courtyard, Elizabeth can slip through the bars into it. She says that she will try and find a way to open the gates. The sound of the Songbird can be heard. It seems that the Songbird is tied in to the universe switching tears somehow. I can now use the tears in combat. Bringing into the world things that help us. Like cover or grapple hooks.
I am attacked by a robot president with a machine gun. Elizabeth has to pick a lock to proceed. I find a box which contained a shipment of Shock jock. It is empty. It appears that Slate and his men are now well armed with Shock jock. I go back out as this is a dead end. It appears that some traps have been laid with Shock jock. Slate is waiting for us outside in the courtyard. Also ships are arriving with Comstock's men. In the courtyard I have to survive waves of soldiers and a motorized patriot. Then a door opens which allows me to get closer to Slate on the balcony. After killing a few enemies I find Slate injured. I am given the choice of sparing or killing him. I spare him. I then get the shock jockey vigor. I then have to make my way back out of the hall of heroes with minimal resistance. Tog et out I am shown how to charge up a power conduit by shooting it several times with shock jock. I fight my way back towards soldiers field. In the lift back down Elizabeth reveals that she learned how to open the tears by herself, through reading in her library. She tells us that she wasn't a prisoner, that she could go anywhere, yet came back by herself, to her family.
I come back to the gondola power it up. As the gondola begins to come towards us Comstock's voice can be heard. He sends two barges filled with enemies towards us.
Once they are defeated I can take the gondola onwards. During the gondola ride Elizabeth asks Booker about his past. He tells her that he is here because of gambling debts. That someone will pay the debt for him if he rescues Elizabeth and brings her back to them.

The first Lady
I arrive at the dock and exhibit for the First Ladies Gondola. Some guards give me trouble in the foyer. I move on and find my way into the airship, this is all going to well, Comstock knows where we are. I doubt we would be let get so far if it was going to be easy to just fly the gondola away from Columbia. I go to the controls and this triggers a cut scene. Booker begins setting the airship with co-ordinates for New York. Elizabeth realizes and begins to cry. Booker lamely tries to console her. It appears that Elizabeth is faking, she turns around and smacks booker in the face with a heavy wrench as he tries to console her. Booker drifts in and out of consciousness. Another barge appears and attacks, Elizabeth can be seen leaving the airship. Then new people appear, Vox Populi. Booker wakes being hung out of the airship. Over a chain gang of men working on breaking rocks. Daisy Fitzroy appears, a black woman, she tells Booker that if he helps her get some guns from a contact she will let him have the airship back. Booker is dumped out of the airship on his errand.I land on an dock like industrial area. I am not attacked straight away, though officials eventually seem to realize I am trouble and I am attacked.
I come to a door and see Elizabeth, she runs from me and I am directed to pursue her. I give chase, she tells us to leave her alone. She begins opening tears to avoid us, bringing obstacles like a brass band and a train in from other realities. I eventually catch up and she opens a tear in front of a wall and goes through it. The tear closes just as she is grabbed by Comstock's men and I am left trapped on the other side of the wall unable to reach her. I move around and find the enemies, they begin to attack me. I have to clear them then go after Elizabeth again. She uses skylines to get away. I follow her. As I get close to her again one of the large handymen appears and begins attacking me. In cut scene Booker grabs onto a boxcar then a balloon to stay alive. Elizabeth saves him. She reluctantly pairs up with Booker again when he tells her he can get the airship back if they supply the guns. She makes him promise to take her to Paris. Booker agrees for the moment. I move on into Finkerton’s area.

Finkerton Proper
I enter a waiting area where non-white workers are queuing to find work. There appears to be no jobs available at the moment. I have to find a way past, Elizabeth can  pick a lock to gain us access to the back areas. Here I fight guards and a patriot. I then  find a locker belonging to Slate. In it Elizabeth finds her mother's diary. It is not good reading, it appears that her mother was less than happy to be involved in the birth of the miracle child. I take a lift down, the telephone in the lift rings and it seems Mr. Fink is expecting us. He invites us in. On the journey down we see workers and a huge statue of Fink. The lift door opens into a small room one of Fink's men meets us and it seems that Fink is more interested in Booker than Elizabeth. I move out into Finktown and find more evidence of the work being rationed out to an over abundance of non-whites. I  see a group fight for the  last job of the day. The gunsmith is someone named Chen-lin, a Chinese man. We enter his factory and find it empty and ransacked. There is evidence of a shrine to Buddha. After having explored for a while a tearful voice can be heard. I move back to the shrine and find Mrs. Lin sobbing. She tells us that they came for Chen-Lin and took him to a club, the Good times club. We now have that as a destination. As I emerge a handyman attacks. I find a sign that says Booker Dewitt audition, which makes little sense. 
This is the good time club, I go inside. It seems that Fink intends to use the vox-populi rebellion for his own ends. I move into the main body of the club, which Fink has turned into an arena to test Booker. I have waves of enemies with firemen, crow men and patriots to deal with. I find a voxophone which seems to indicate that fink and Comstock may be brothers. Under the stage in the club I find a prison area. Chen-Lin is held in cell nine a sign tells us. I make my way through the cell area. Slate is held in one, he is catatonic. I move on into cell nine, which leads into a large area. I find the body of Chen Lin, he has been beaten to death. Out of thin air the Lutece twins appear. They tell us that it is only a matter of heads or tails. One way dead, the other alive. Flip the coin they tell us. A tear appears where Chen-lin is lying dead. Through the tear he is not there, the place where he is is empty. The Luteces challenge us to go through. Elizabeth tells us that there may be no going back. She asks if we are sure that we are ready. I open the tear. In this new world everything is slightly different. The cells that were empty are now crowded with Vox-populi. There are lots of confiscated vox-populi propaganda leaflets. I find two of the guards I killed, they are lurching around with bleeding noses, seemingly oblivious to us. Elizabeth tells us that they remember being dead. I have to head back to the gunsmith's shop, where hopefully we will find him alive and well. I enter the gunsmith's shop after a fight out in the street. The shop has less tools and the Buddhist shrine is now one to Comstock. I find Chen Lin, he is also affected and has a nose bleed. Seems he also remembers being dead. He appears to be half in one world and half in the other. He is working with tools that don't exist in this world. I find Mrs. Lin, she is a white woman in this reality. She tells us that the police took Chen-Lins tools to impound. Elizabeth thinks that if we get them back it may help Chen-Lin. I move on thorough a new area to towards the destination.

Shanty Town.
This is a very run down part of town, a soapbox preacher is preaching the word of the Vox-populi and Daisy Fitzroy. I enter a bar and the gramophone is playing a version of tainted love by Soft Cell. I find a guitar in the basement and Booker plays it, Elizabeth sings, she gives an orphan an orange while she does. Out in the street a tear brings food for a group of starving children into this world. I move into a fight area and have a massive fight on many sky rails.

Bull house impound.
I then enter the bull house impound and police station. This is a big fight, I search the station for the tools. I find them in the cells in the basement. They are massive, it would take an airship and a lot of men to take them back to the factory. Elizabeth sees a tear, she opens it slightly and it leads to a version of Columbia where the tools are not impounded. That hopefully means they are back at the factory. She asks again if we are sure, however there are no real choices here, the only way to progress is to open the tear. I do and again things change subtly. The police are in the half dead glitch state. I can hear the songbird occasionally when I get close to them. Outside the station this Columbia reveals itself to be in a bigger state of rebellion than the last. Vox are fighting with the police openly. A sign calls Booker the martyr of the revolution. Booker begins to feel his nose bleed, he starts to remember things that he hasn't done. Like leading the Vox to storm the hall of heroes. I see the airship pass by above, Daisy is in control of it still.
I find a vigor called charge, which gives us a hurricane punch. Elizabeth ponder whether she brought them to a world where the Vox have guns or whether she is creating them as we go along. I get back to Chen-lin's factory and find Chen-lin and his wife both dead outside it. Elizabeth is distraught.

Booker decides that there is no point in trying to get guns for the Vox, they have them already in this reality. He decides to just try and take back the airship from Fitzroy. She may see things differently now that Booker is a rebellion hero. I storm Fink's factory with the Vox. We come to the final gate and a huge airship begins to bombard us. The gate won't be opened unless the airship is stopped. I use the skylines to get aboard. A patriot guards the engine, which once destroyed leaves us a few seconds to get off the ship. I now move forward through the blocked gates. Inside the factory we fight some enemies in the lobby and then take an elevator up to Finks office. On the way up we see the automated factories that make all the vending machines, weapons and vigors. A phone call in the lift from Fitzroy. She tells us that she saw Booker die right in front of her. She thinks we are an imposter or a ghost. Either way she thinks we are trouble. I enter the office area and am attacked by the Vox soldiers. Here I see plans for the Songbird. It seems that Fink made it the same way that he makes the handymen. I find a vigor called undertow. In the next area I find daisy Fitzroy confronting Fink. They are in a room and we can only see through the window. There is no way for us to act to stop her killing Fink. Not that I really want to, they both seem to be out of control. Fitzroy justifiably, though the old adage of being as bad as the monsters seems to apply to her. She kills Fink then we have to battle with a group of enemies. Once done we see that Fitzroy has barricaded herself in the room, she has a child as a  hostage. Elizabeth wants us to boost her into a vent. I then have to distract Fitzroy so she can sneak up behind her. Elizabeth stabs Fitzroy with a pair of scissors. She says something strange, she guesses that it runs in the family. Does she mean murder?
Elizabeth runs to the First lady's airship, which is docked nearby. She locks herself in the cabin, leaving Booker on the flight deck. We have to set a course. Elizabeth comes out again as we finish. she is wearing clothes she found in the cabin, her mother's clothes. She has cut her ponytail off as well. She asks how Booker washes away the memories of what he has done. He tells her that he can't. The peace can't last, the escape can't last. On cue the Songbird appears and attacks. The airship is grabbed and shaken like a child's toy by the songbird. Booker is knocked out.

Port Prosperity
We come around and find the airship crashed and the songbird gone. The Lutece twins are outside playing a piano. They inform us that the music controls the songbird. That playing the correct tune will get it to leave us alone. We find the ordinary citizens of Columbia fleeing the rebellion. They are sobbing over having to leave their possessions behind.
I fight some Vox. Elizabeth talks about songbird, she tells of how it used to be her friend. Then as she grew up she realized that it was her warden. Our destination appears to be Comstock's house, hopefully to find the songs to control songbird.  
Elizabeth asks Booker if he thinks anyone can really see the future. Booker tells of his vision of New York in flames. I fight some more Vox then take a gondola ride. On the way I see the Lutece twins playing ball in the distance. Elizabeth suddenly seems to realize who they are. She tells us that it was them that developed the technology that keeps Columbia aloft. Elizabeth reveals that it is due to special quantum particles that are fixed in space, not giant balloons. The Lutece’s appear in three different impossible places. Babbling on about tenses. I arrive at a station type area. A kinteoscope shows the Lutece twin arriving at Columbia. It says that he is a physicist too, and asks who knew she had kin. The hint here is that the female Lutece created a male version of herself through some kind of experiment. Herself, though born male instead of female.
I search a bookshop and then move through some turnstiles into an area where an elevator is barred with a code lock. Elizabeth tells us to search for the code and I find it in a book on a counter. As I find it the songbird is called by a nearby statue. we hide and it appears, looks though the window then leaves as if it can't see us. I move on to the elevator. Elizabeth makes us promise to kill her rather than let the songbird take her back. Booker doesn't make the promise.

Downtown Emporia
Another huge area with much to kill. a handyman here makes an attack on a barge controlled by Vox, knocking it out of the sky while we fight. Scripted but fun. I enter a place called the bank of the prophet.  I find evidence of looted and burnt out shops. A new vigor called return to sender is found here. A woman can be see out of phase here, sweeping in a burning shop as if the fire isn't there. Among the shops in this market area Elizabeth spots the Lutece lab. I find a music shop with a tear, I can hear Girls just want to have fun by Cindi Lauper playing on the other side. In Columbia an ancient sounding version of “Everybody wants to rule the world,” by Tears for fears is playing on a gramophone. The buildings here have collided and there is much damage to the fabric of the street. I find a  memorial garden,The first ladies body is here. Elizabeth doesn't say anything here. There is a lock on the door but it is phased out. Elizabeth does not offer to bring it into phase. There are graves for the two Luteces, both empty. I finally reach Comstock house. At the gates a machine mistakes Elizabeth for her mother. Elizabeth thinks that it is the dress. Though it is time to a dress the theory that Elizabeth is some kind of quantum clone of her mother. The lady Comstock transported as an fetus from the time before she was born into her own womb maybe? The machine won't let us in. Elizabeth tells us to head to where she is buried. It seems that Elizabeth is prepared to cut off her mother's hand to open the door. Booker keeps asking if she is sure, then he offers to do it. As booker opens the coffin the crypt suddenly shuts and machines appear, the giant speakers from the area near the cell where Elizabeth was kept. They draw power from Elizabeth which appears to hurt her. Comstock asks that if Elizabeth won't listen to him, then maybe she will listen to her mother. A tear opens on the casket and Lady Comstock turns into some kind of floating specter, screams at Elizabeth then flies away. Outside in the Graveyard she begins to bring the dead bodies back to life, or maybe bringing them in from other realities. This is a hard boss fight. She needs to be killed, while she constantly spawns in other enemies to aid her. Eventually I wear her health down and she vanishes. The Lutces appear, digging their own graves and tell us about time and how weird it is.
Outside back at the street the Luteces tell us that lady Comstock won't help them open the door. Though she could be made to. They tell us that there are three truths that must be learned. All of them destroyed in this world by Comstock. If only there was a way to alter time and space they muse. Booker rightly calls them sarcastic. Elizabeth thinks that whatever she brought through the tear isn't her mother. I have to follow the ghostly animal like footprints left by the ghost. They lead to the Luteces lab. In the lab a tear is held open by a machine. A voxophone reveals that Comstock has been made sterile by the experimentation of the Luteces. Could his experiments with Elizabeth be an attempt to reproduce again? Or is Elizabeth a female version of Comstock?
The tear produces an argument between lady Comstock and the female Lutece. Lady Comstock appears  to be berating Rosalind about her sexual interest in the Prophet. Which she denies. The revelation is that The prophet is sterile. The Comstock's can't be Elizabeth's parents in the natural sense. The way to the next tear is all the way back to the bank. I find a lot of bodies in the bank that weren't there the first time. An elevator gives us access to a new area.

Bank of the Prophet
In the bank are many enemies to fight. A crow guy guards the tear. The tear gives us a conversation between Comstock and someone else, he is asking for someone to be killed and it to be made look like an accident. Elizabeth tells us that she thinks the ghost is a combination of her and her mother. I now have another boss battle with the ghost and it's zombie raising antics. after that it's back outside of the bank to look for the final tear.  I move on through another part of the shopping area and find a shop called Cunningham's Photography. It seem to be where the ghost's final trail is leading us. A voxophone inside shows us that the Luteces are dead in some version of reality. The truth is revealed, Lady Comstock thought that Elizabeth was a bastard daughter. That Comstock had been unfaithful to her to produce Elizabeth. He isn't her father. I go back to the gates and we have a final boss battle with the Ghost of lady Comstock. When we win Elizabeth tells her that they are both victims of Comstock. She opens the door for us and vanishes. I can now enter Comstock house.

Comstock House
I go through and am presented with a bridge that moves along huge cords to the Comstock house, which is a large imposing mansion floating in the distance. As I pull the lever to take us there, the Songbird appears and knocks booker flying, hurling him into a distant window. He wakes in the alternate world of his office, Elizabeth and the Luteces are there.  There is no insistent knocking, there is a door which we can open. This takes us back into Columbia. Booker has landed in a room, the Songbird is tearing the roof off to get in at him. It does and it is about to kill him. Elizabeth intervenes, it pushes her away firmly but safely. She tells it that she will come back with it and it changes it's manner entirely. Like a pet it nuzzles her and takes her away leaving Booker ignored.
I can move again and climb back out of the window. The bridge is now open, though a storm cloud is engulfing the area and lightning is arcing on the bridge. I move across it and a white light envelopes Booker. Suddenly it clears and we are on the other side of the bridge. Snow is falling onto the house. Booker expresses surprise that it is July. I enter the house, tears give us snippet of Elizabeth pleading to be taken back to her tower to the Songbird. Inside the house I find a huge statue of Elizabeth, holding a sword. Or is it Lady Comstock, I don't know her name, is her first name Elizabeth. My theory that the young Elizabeth is a younger version of Lady Comstock seems to be heading towards being right. In the next room I can hear Elizabeth repeatedly begging to be let go and screaming no. There are strange men, small, with mask like eyes. They are phasing in and out. A new enemy is here, the creature with a helmet that has two large ears. When it sees me it triggers the dwarves to attack. I find the door ahead locked with a severe looking lock. I have to go to the wardens office to find the key. A lift arrives and I take it up. It seems that I am in an institution. The small masked figures appear to be the inmates. It does not look like a happy place, a Victorian workhouse maybe. A voxophone from Elizabeth does not sound like her at all. Someone else speaking with her voice. I have the worrying suspicion that these creatures are out of phase children, maybe even versions of Elizabeth. There is a furnace where they are burning the children's bodies. There is a chair like the one in the lighthouse. I am beginning to wonder if I am still in that chair. Rooms are marked where we sleep, cleanse, weep etc. The tears tell of Elizabeth in captivity again, being spoken to by jailers. She is holding out on eating. I also hear of scared jailers planning to kill her in defiance of Comstock and fear of Elizabeth. A kinetoscope shows footage of hummingbirds, that I saw in the gardens after my baptism at the start of the game.
A tear tells us that they plan to do some sort of Surgery on Elizabeth. It also has been six months since she was taken. This must be some sort of time dilation from the tears. Or the weird light at the entrance to Comstock house as we crossed the bridge. Is the entire house six months in the future? A room here is full of the masks that the strange children are wearing. Another voxophone from Elizabeth talks about Booker's debt. Maybe this is a symptom of the time dilation. Could Elizabeth have become bitter thinking that Booker abandoned her to her fate? In a room called "Where we learn" a projector shows evidence that this is true. Elizabeth appears to have been left with the Prophet and eventually came around to doing his bidding. I come to the warden's office, it looks like a trap. Three large screens show static. A voxophone from Elizabeth has her talking in a croaky voice, perhaps one of age. She talks about Booker being her first hope and now he is her last hope. She also talks about being unable to stop what she has set in motion. I am attacked by normal people again and have to fight my way back down to the large door that was closed.
I go through and there is no sign of Elizabeth, only the Lutece's who babble about time tenses. I move through and find Elizabeth at the end of a corridor, light is behind her so there is only a silhouette. As I come closer it is obvious she is Elizabeth aged around seventy. She asks us to take her hand and brings up over the edge of the building. Outside is New York in flames, from Booker's vision. Elizabeth gives us a note. She tells us to give  it to her younger self. She then sends us through a tear back in time.
I am back in the Comstock house, only when I should have been. I move back into the house and find Elizabeth tied to a table in a large machine. Comstock is there and they are doing something to her. I have to stop the machine. I go up the stairs, fighting past many enemies. There are two generators to switch off. Then Elizabeth is free to open tears. She opens one onto a field of corn with a tornado approaching. This kills the scientists. She closes the tear again and I have to go down and free her. I help her from the machine and unplug a cable that has been implanted into her spine. Booker gives her the note. Elizabeth wants to go and kill Comstock. Booker tells her not to, Elizabeth asks Booker what he is going to do to stop her, she opens the tear to the hurricane again. Booker tells her that he will do it for her.

Comstock's airship, the hand of the prophet is outside. We are heading to it. The operation was meant to implant a device into Elizabeth that would cause her pain if she tried to alter history. I move out of the house onto the balconies, where Comstock drops drop pods filled with patriots. There is a large fight here until I make my way to a barge. Now we have a fight in the clouds, jumping from barge to barge using the attach points. Eventually we reach the airship and dock. Comstock asks Elizabeth to look at Booker. Is Booker a younger Comstock?
We now have to fight our way to the top of the airship and meet Comstock. Skylines will get us up to the next deck, though the patriot pods are blocking the way. I have to reach a control and drop them. I hope they are landing somewhere where they won't do any harm. We can now use the skylines. The next deck is rinse and repeat. Clear the deck and hit the switch to clear the skyline of pods. Barges come alongside as they drop giving us more to fight. I eventually find my way on the skylines after much fighting to the top deck. I enter Comstocks' private cabin. Inside the cabin we find a model of the tower and the siphon. Elizabeth realizes that this is why she lost the ability to open tears at will. Comsotock was draining her of her power. To what end? To give him the ability to open tears? I don't think so, he has always maintained so far that Elizabeth will be the instrument of his power and rain fire on the Earth. Why would he weaken her? I go through into a green simulated garden, with stained glass windows. Comstock is waiting for us. He is pleased to see Elizabeth, as if he hasn't seen her for years. He tells Booker that he has sent armies to stop him, rained fire from above. Then he says that all he had to do was tell Elizabeth the truth. He asks Booker to tell Elizabeth about her finger. The one that is missing and covered with a thimble. Comstock grabs Elizabeth and holds up her hand. He is hurting her, we have to press X to intervene. Booker begins to beat Comstock smashing his head on the font then drowning him in it. Elizabeth asks what he meant. Booker does not know. Booker tells Elizabeth that they should destroy the Siphon, this might allow her to use her full powers to find out.

We have to go to the controls. I find Comstock's room, a voxophone from the Lutece's suggests the the Comstock of this world was aged prematurely by the siphon. I am fairly sure now that Booker is the Prophet brought from another reality. I make my way to the bridge and begin steering the ship. The Vox begin their attack on the airship in a display of bad timing. Elizabeth realizes something and bashes in the statue on the bridge that is used to call the Songbird. She realizes that it is a tune. She plays notes C A G E. The Songbird arrives. We can now use him to attack the Vox for us. This isn't a great help as there are hundreds of them. We have to protect the airships core. This is a hard fight. I have to direct the songbird against barges which drops enemies onto the deck as well as fire on the core directly. Patriots and vox soldiers attack the core. You have to be careful to make sure and check all directions as the core is vulnerable from all angles and some of the Vox hide and shoot rockets from balconies. Possession is a good vigor to use, getting the rocket enemies possessed makes your life easier. Eventually the attack is over and I have to join Elizabeth at the bow. Looking over I can see the tower statue right beside us. Elizabeth tells us that we can direct the songbird to bring down the entire statue. Booker takes the whistler and brings the songbird in. It attacks the siphon and it blows. Booker drops the whistler and panics. The songbird is coming for them. Elizabeth is glowing. She does not look worried. She uses her full powers and we suddenly are transported to Rapture. Booker is confused. The songbird doubly so because it is outside underwater at high pressure. It dies holding up it's hand to the glass and to Elizabeth. Booker asks why they are here. Elizabeth moves away through a door. I follow her and find that we are at the start of the first Bioshock. Elizabeth takes us to the bathysphere and we go up to the surface. At the lighthouse the door won't open. Elizabeth realizes that the key is in her hand. She says that it has always been there. I go through the door and come out the other side to find us exactly where we were, thoguh it isn't quite. There are now many lighthouses in the distance. Booker is confused. Elizabeth states that there are many worlds, though there are constants and variables. Always a girl, always a city. As I walk down the steps paths rise out of the ocean, I can walk to any of the lighthouses. I choose one at random and go through the Door. Instead of being at night, we come out into a sunset.  The lighthouses are different though all the same. Booker and Elizabeth can be seen in the distance walking and talking. I do the same and move through another door, another lighthouse. We come out into a swamp, a preacher is offering baptism and a cleansing of our sins. I begin to accept the baptism, though Booker struggles free. He urges Elizabeth to move them to Paris, to be shot of it all. She declines and tells him that they have to find Comstock. We go through another door and are in Booker's office. Lutece is there. A door is waiting to be opened, the only option. In a small room is a cot.  A baby is lying in it. It is Elizabeth. Lutece stands in the door, telling Booker to bring him the girl and wipe away the debt. Lutece repeats the mantra, bring us the girl and wipe away the debt. Seems that Booker brought them the girl and wiped away the debt seventeen years before the start of the game. Elizabeth tells Booker to give the baby to him. There is no door where Booker does not. There does appear to be no option. I give the baby to Lutece, he tells us that Mr. Comstock absolves us of our sins. I go through another door, and find myself in the boat with the Luteces at the start of the game. Elizabeth is with us this time. I get off the boat as before and head to the lighthouse. Elizabeth tells us that Comstock is dead in one reality, though in an infinite number of other realities he is alive and well. She tells us that they have to wipe him out of all of them. Inside the lighthouse everything changes. I find myself in an alley. Comstock, Lutece and Elizabeth are there. Also baby Elizabeth in Comstock's arms. Booker grabs for Elizabeth and they struggle for her. The female Lutece is in the Columbia dimension. She is using the machine in their lab to open an artificial tear. It seems unstable, and begins to close, shutting tight on baby Elizabeth's finger. Now we know how she lost her finger. Booker finds him back in his office, another door awaits. It is locked, Anna is gone, Booker sold her. Elizabeth tells him that he festered here for years, until the Lutece’s came through a tear to give him another chance. I go through the tear and Lutece tells us that he did the same. The male Lutece was from one reality and he went through into the Columbia reality when Comstock took Anna through. We are back at the lighthouse. As we go inside Elizabeth tells us that if we kill Comstock at his birth it will end it. She asks if we are sure we want to do this. Through the door we find ourselves at the baptism again, though there is no preacher. Booker is confused. Then he realizes that when he was born again he took on a new name when his sins were washed away. The name was Zachary Comstock, many Elizabeth's appear, all subtly different. Booker did say he wanted to smother Comstock at birth. This was his birth. He does not resist as the Elizabeth's hold him under the water. The Elizabeth's all begin to wink out of existence, the life of Anna Dewitt that brought about Elizabeth and indeed Columbia itself won't happen, so all versions of Elizabeth are erased. The screen fades to black, the credits start. 

390 achievement points for one play through on normal.
17 hours.

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