Saturday, January 4, 2014

Far Cry 3 notes

First job is letting Ubisoft know that I am a good consumer and have bought the game new rather than used. I have to put in my U-Play passport code.
I choose story then new game, survivor is what Ubisoft are calling normal difficulty these days. 

We are introduced to Grant, Maisy, Keith, and a few others I didn’t catch the names of. A bunch of young things drinking and partying. A flashing array of images and music shows us scenes of hedonism and beauty in an island paradise. Then it all goes awry, we see that the images are from a phones camera and it is held by Vas, who has Grant and our character who is called Jason in a cage. He appears to be going to hold them for ransom, though he is trying to annoy them and scare them. Vas is called away by someone who appears to be his boss.
Grant gets himself free and then frees Jason. Grant tells Jason to call the guard over. when he comes Grant grabs his head and bashes him repeatedly against the bars of the cage until he is either dead or knocked out. He then gets the key and opens the cage. Grant tells Jason that is what they teach you in the army. As we leave the cage I get control.


Left analogue stick        Move character
Right Analogue stick        Move camera
Left trigger            Aim down sights       
Right trigger            Shoot
Left bumper            Bring up weapon selection wheel
Right bumper            Grenade
Y                Change weapon
X                Reload       
B                Crouch
A                Jump
dpad                throw stone, use camera
Start                Menu           
Select                Map
Clicking right stick        Melee
Clicking left stick        Run

Mission one
I am to follow Grant as we try and sneak out of the camp. We sneak past guards and dogs snarl at us. We see a guard gutting pigs. I come to a point where a guard is blocking the way. Grant tells us too throw a rock, which is done by pressing right on the dpad. This moves the guard and we move to a window. Inside the room we wake a sleeping guard and Grant uses a knife throw to kill him. We come out of that room and see vas shooting a bunch of captives, seems there is no ransom for them. More sneaking through a room of guards watching television, we then have to hide in a bush and throw another rock. More sneaking until the edge of the camp and a cut scene.
Vas shoots Grant in the throat, we have to press A to hold his neck in a vain attempt to staunch the bleeding. Vas is ranting away, the sound is distorted. Grant dies and we have to run. Vas gives us a head start.
This turns into a headlong chase through the jungle, sometimes falling uncontrollably at others jumping and running. I am caught by a guard and have to mash A to knife him with his own knife. A rope bridge is crossed and as I do a helicopter appears and the bridge breaks. We end up in the water. Jason appears to be about to drown when a heavily tattooed hand grabs his and pulls him up towards the surface.

Mission two
Jason wakes on a bed, a man is tattooing his arm. The man calls himself Dennis and gives Jason a machete. Dennis thinks that Jason is a warrior. Jason tells Dennis that his older brother has been killed. That his younger brother and four other friends have been captured by the pirates. Dennis tells Jason that he can only help himself, that he is going to free him. Dennis shows us his village and tells us to buy a gun, he gives us money. He thinks that our escape from Vas is a sign. I am told to buy a 1911 handgun from the gun shop, which I happen to be standing beside. Once done I am to follow Dennis again. He tells us of radio towers which Vas uses. We are to use them also. To do this we must disable scramblers on each one. This sounds very much like Assassins Creed.  First annoyance is that after trying to save and being told that I can't in a mission. I stop the game and come back later and have to watch the cut scene with Dennis again. Cardinal sin one, un-skip-able repeated cut scenes has been committed. I just have to follow Dennis to the edge of the town to finish this task.

Mission three
I am now in the game proper, I can loot chests and pick up ammo and money from the environment. I climb the hill to the radio tower. I find a snake in the way of the stairs so I shoot it. The radio tower is dilapidated and it is a reminder why platform games should never be first person. At the top I disable the scrambler. It appears that there are collectibles in the form of playing cards. I have to go back down to Dennis. Handily there is a zip line to take us down quickly. It is strange that Ubisoft seem to think we enjoy climbing up things but not down again! at the bottom of the zip line Dennis tells us to open a map. He tells us that we need to master the jungle is we are to have any chance of getting our people back from Vas. We are to choose a hunting ground, though we are told to hunt boar. A waypoint is set.

Mission four
a car seems to be placed obviously for me to use, so I get in and drive to the waypoint. Here I am prompted by the HUD to pick three types of plant and kill and skin two boars.
The boars run at first then one tries to attack me. I kill two and skin them. Accompanied by suitably gruesome animations. The plants are varied and I pick some of the colors mentioned. I can now fast travel back to Amanki town and Dennis. He shows us how to make health out of the plants and increase our carrying capacity by making bags from the skins.
The next menu to learn is the skill tree. The tattoo we have on our arm gives us more skills. adding to them is done by getting more tattoos. We basically spend skill points in specific areas. Heron shark and spider to start with. I gain two new skills, silent takedown and a sliding move.

Mission five
A phone call comes in and we can hear one of our friends in trouble with the enemy. Dennis tells us to get into a jeep with him. He drives, Our friend is being held at an outpost. If we can capture outposts we will secure that area of the island for the natives. Another jeep joins us on the way to the outpost. We can go in all guns blazing or sneak in. I try sneaking, though it isn't long before a dog give me away and it turns into a gunfight. After killing all the guards a cut scene starts. Lisa has escaped her captors. I can now fast travel to this outpost and there are various jobs available at it's job board.

Side Mission 1
I have to take out some rabid dogs that are killing people with a shotgun.
I go to the marker and find a shotgun, which I am to use. I then have a blue marked area on my radar. I kill the dogs and am rewarded.

Side Mission 2
A pirate is killing villagers, I have to kill him with a knife.
I find the pirate among a group of others and have to stealthily approach him and kill him with a knife kill. anything else resets the mission.

Side Mission 3
I find a quad bike with some medical supplies on it. I have to get it to a flare marker on time. This is simply a race through terrain hitting waypoints marked with flares until you get to the end of the course.

Side Mission 4
Another supply drop quest.
I run out of loot space, I need to get bigger sacks, or go to a town and sell some of the things I have collected.

Side Mission 5
I find a trial of the Rakyat challenge.
This takes an age to load and I basically have to kill as many enemies as possible in a minute with the weapons provided. which is a silenced pistol.

Side Mission 6
I liberate another camp, this time I disable the alarm, which makes it impossible for the enemies to call reinforcements.

Side Mission 7
I have to go to a farm where a pirate gang have taken over to grow drugs. I have to kill their commander with a knife.

Side Mission 8
I am asked by a couple in the village to go and find their daughter. She has entered a suicide pact with her lover. I go to the marked area and find that the boyfriend is already dead. A bunch of komodo dragons need to be killed. I then find the girl and tell her to go back to her family.

Side Mission 9
I find a jet ski by a dock and find that this is a little wave race style mini-game.
You can choose how much to bet and how hard the time will be to beat.

Side Mission 10
I also find a similar land race on quad bike. This is called the island racing league.
The game is simple enough, race through the flare markers until reaching the end of the course against the clock.

Side Mission 11
I find a knife throwing mini-game, it is like old golf games. Aim the knife, then try and hit a tiny segment of a bar that rises when you press the right trigger. You take turns with your opponent and get five knifes with which to get a higher score than him.

You have to kill specific animals to craft specific items to improve your ability. For example to carry more than $2000 you have to craft a better wallet from Caraway leather. Finding the right animal can be a chore.

I come to a camp where I am told to shoot the cage to free the animals. The animals that are freed from the cages will attack their captors.

Main Mission Six
I am told to go and find a Dr. Earnhardt at his mansion. The mansion is a large white wooden building. I find Dr. Earnhardt in a shed, where he appears to have been making drugs. He is an old and emaciated looking man, very eccentric. He tells us about drugs, we ask him about our friends. He seems to eventually remember Daisy. We have to go inside the house and find Daisy upstairs lying on a bed. She was found by Earnhardt after cutting her arm on some poisonous trees. He has been treating her with an antidote, though he has run out of ingredients. We must find him some cave mushrooms. I use handy zip lines down to the caves. Then have to swim into the undersea mouth of the caves. Inside we have to make our way through the caves, climbing on vines etc. Some mushrooms give off spores and Jason takes a trip. Eventually he passes out after seeing visions. We now have to pick up the mushrooms and make our way back to Dr. Earnhardt. I give Earnhardt the mushroom and he tells us to go and check on Daisy. Upstairs with Daisy Jason tells her that Grant is dead.
Jason asks Earnhardt if he can bring the others here once he finds them. Earnhardt tells us that we cannot, as Vas's men buy drugs from him. Daisy pleads with him and he agrees, it seems that Earnhardt thinks Daisy is someone called Agnes and will do anything to please her. Jason is freaked out, but Daisy urges him to play along.

Main Mission Seven.
Dennis knows of a radio that uses Vas' frequencies at an beached hulk called the Medusa. We are to go there and try and find out some intelligence on where the rest of our friends are being kept.
I get to the beached ship, here I must use stealth to get intelligence from radio operators. There are three radio operators and each has a pirate guard. They all have to be taken down with stealth kills otherwise they set off the alarm and the mission fails. Once they are all taken care of you go up into the radio room of the ship. Here we hear some of the pirate radio chatter, an alarm is set off and pirates flood into the area. I have to take out around eight pirates then the mission ends.

Main Mission Eight
Dennis calls and asks us to come back to Amanki town. Here he tells us that Vas is planning to attack the Rakyat. He urges us to help them so that they can continue to help us. Jason agrees to help. Our friends are going to be ransomed soon at a place called SC. Dennis tells us that Vas has a weapons store at a logging camp. If we can get explosives and destroy the weapons it will weaken Vas' troops. We must head to the logging camp. When I arrive at the camp I am told to head to a vantage point. I am told to shut off the alarm.
I then have to plant a bomb. I have fifteen seconds to get clear. The work is done, though if I want to I can mop up the remaining pirates. I am told by Dennis that SC is likely a place called Sunset Cove. I can go there or do side missions. Basically telling me to level up a bit first before taking on the next mission.

Main Mission Nine
I head to Sunset Cove, on the way Daisy calls. She says that she has been moved by Dr Earnhardt into the caves where we gathered the mushrooms. To ensure the pirates don't find her when they come to buy from Earnhardt. She tells us that she has found something that we need to look at and asks that we come when we can. I head on towards the map marker to start the mission. I arrive at the mission point and find a large camp. I have to take out all the alarms and kill all the pirates. One has the key to the prison which is in a cave behind the camp. I enter the prison and have to fight my way through some pirates. I come to a room with a tiger, someone lying on a table unconscious or dead and a primitive screen projection of a film taken by Vas. I move through and an knocked unconscious. I awake tied to a chair, Vas is there spouting his insanity. He pours petrol on us, two of our friends are in the room also tied to chairs. He set a match and leaves us to burn. Jason knocks over the chair and the floor collapses. We are free and moving through the building to get back to our friends. I make my way through the maze of burning collapsing building and back to Lisa. We jump from the roof and collapse through some scaffolding. On the ground we reach a jeep under pursuit from the pirates. This turns into a vehicle emplaced gun section where we use a grenade launcher to kill pursuing pirates. Eventually we get away and the mission ends. Lisa tells us that one of the others is being kept at a place called the bunker. Jason tells her that he is going to take her to Daisy and a safe place.

Mains Mission Ten
We start back at Earnhardt's house. I am told to find my way into a cave behind the house. Inside the cave a cut scene shows Lisa and Daisy being reunited. Daisy has found a boat, which can be used to escape the island. I have to find a part for the boat that is missing. I find it underwater in marked area. We then have to install the part in cut scene. The engine works, but is fairly smoky. Daisy tells us to check on Lisa before we go. There is some dialogue between the two. We are told to exit the cave.

Main Mission Eleven
I am called by Dennis when I leave the cave. He tells me that I need to speak to Citra, the leader of the Rakyat to gain more power in order to defeat Vas. I am to meet Dennis at a temple. I find him at the door, we are challenged by a guard at the temple. Dennis tells him that Jason is a young warrior ready to be presented to Citra. we move through the temple and find Citra eventually, She is a woman who seems to be a very revered leader to the Rakyat. She laughs when Jason tells her that he wants to become a warrior so that he can defeat Vas. After Jason shouts at her about his brother and revenge she gives him a task to complete. We have too drink a potion that Citra gives us. It is a drug and we begin to hallucinate. She tells us to bring her back what was been lost. After drinking Jason passes out and dreams. We are falling from the sky, crashing into the water. Where we find ourselves in a poker game with our friends under the sea. The water drains away and we are on a beach. A man in a suit is behind us. The poker game fades and we are able to move.
I follow the man up a hill towards a shack. Trees and plants sprout as if growing quickly up from the ground as we walk. Through the door we come out underwater again, on a rope bridge made out of seaweed. Visions of our friends and Vas appear and vanish as we move along the rope bridge. At the end we come to the door of the temple inside is a knife. Jason picks it up and the vision ends with a rock falling on him.
Dennis tells us that we need to find the knife.

Side Mission
I meet a friend of Dennis, he wants us to help him restore temples, I have to find 3 tablets in marked areas. Once done I return the tablets.

Main Mission Twelve
I head to the next map marker. It is the town we visited in our vision. Only in reality it is a run down and desolate place, populated by what look like drunks and lunatics. On entering the bar I am told to play a game of poker. I am to find the man in white from the vision. I play poker, and thankfully I don't have to actually play cards. I hate it when they make you play cards in games. The cut scene starts and the man in white comes into the bar and watches as we play. The natives talk about Vas and someone escaping and causing trouble. I think they are referring to me. The man in white congratulates us on a good play and leaves the bar. I now have to follow him without getting spotted. Which is not much fun. Losing sight of him for a second starts a timer. I trail him to a shack and am told to confront him inside. It is a trap. I am faced with a C4 explosive inside the door, under the desk. The white suited man's voice comes over a speaker and asks who we are. On learning that we are Jason, also known as Snow White to the pirates he seems to relent. He asks if we are a true patriot. Jason agrees with everything he says to stop him from blowing him up. A door opens leading down into a staircase underground.
The white suited man is named Willis and he works for the CIA. He tells us that he is in deep cover here on the island. He ask us to help him, by continuing what we have been doing. He gives us a flamethrower and asks that we burn the drug fields and set fire to Vas's bosses boat. This will bring Hoyt, the actual leader of the pirates to the island.

Main Mission Thirteen
I travel to a drug field, it is guarded by two dogs and two pirates. I burn it and am told to go on to the next. There are a further four fields, all grouped into one. There are a lot of enemies in the area. After burning all the fields I am told to get to the boat at the docks here. As I get there the boat moves off. I have to use a rocket launcher on it before it gets away. The mission is done and I am told to go back to Willis.

Main Mission Fourteen
Willis lets us hear a recorded conversation between Vas and Hoyt. Hoyt is not happy about our activities and wants Vass to kill us. We hear a possibly location for a manifest which may help us find our friends. We are to go to a place called Berristown and find the person with the manifest. When we get there we have to zip line down to a shack on the edge of town. On entering the camp we find Hoyt in the middle of making an example of some Rakyat who have been helping us. He makes them run across a minefield. One of the men is the man we need, Willis tells us that we  need to save him.
I move in closer and take out the two guards who are shooting at the man. I then have to get across the minefield. I can see the mines and shooting them makes it safer. When I get to the man who named Rongo. He won't tell us what we want until we help him save his  village. I run with him to the village and have to fight through the pirates until we reach his house. Here we have to defend Rongo against waves of pirates until he finds the manifest. Once done we have a way to find Oliver.

Main Mission fifteen
We are to head to ambush a convoy which is transporting Oliver. We reach the first place we had planned to ambush them and find we are too late. We have to race to a new vantage point. A jeep is handily right there ready for us to drive to the nearby cliff edge overlooking a jetty and buildings. Here we use our camera zoom lens to see that Oliver is being taken to a helicopter. We have to stop them putting him on the helicopter. I am given a sniper rifle and the only option is to shoot at the pirates with it. This turns into an escort mission where I have to shoot at the pirates who are trying to shoot me and Oliver. Oliver grabs a gun and starts fighting back. If you don't kill the pirates quickly enough he is killed and the missions ends. If you kill all the pirates Oliver gets into a boat and brings it over to you. I have to dive off the cliff and get in the boat. Here it turns into an emplaced gun driving mission. boats, helicopters and jeeps try and stop you getting away. I manage it and we chat with Oliver.
A cut scene shows us back at the cave under Earnhardt's house and we speak to the girls.
In the caves under Earnhardt's house I find a signs with a pill saying eat me. This causes a flashback. The gang are in a bar and drinking shots.

Main Mission Sixteen
I meet a man named Buck in the bar in Bad-town. He has bought one of our friends as a slave. Jason asks to get him back. Buck is reluctant and an asshole. He asks that we get him the same  knife that Citra wants. Vas may know the location. We are to go out to a boat called the Nostalgia. I board it and take out the occupying pirates. I now go inside the boat. Here I must fight my way through more pirates. A large armored juggernaut is waiting at the end of the mission.  In cut scene Jason finds an ancient looking compass and a laptop. He gets information from the laptop, though an alarm is tripped and a bomb goes off. The boat is sinking and we have to make our way through it as it explodes and fills with water. eventually I get out and make for the surface. Jason wakes up on the beach and Buck is there. Buck tells us to follow the compass. As Jason looks at it it shimmers in a weird way.

Main mission seventeen
I go to the next Mission marker and find Buck waiting for us. Jason is angry and asks what kind of game Buck is playing. He tells us that the Japanese built the bunker he is standing beside. They were looking for the lost ship of a Japanese general. He lets us go into the bunker and wishes us luck. Inside the bunker I find a maze of flooded tunnels leading to a ruined submarine dock. There are pirates here. I fight them and then have to find a cave entrance. Here I find more pirates and detonate a bomb they have placed to get further into the tunnels. I am now exploring Chinese ruins. I have to swim under a tunnel that is submerged and deal with a crocodile. Then a few more tunnels to negotiate. I come to a door with a stone switch. In the next area I come to a temple. When I jump over a ledge the whole thing collapses. Now  I must do a simple puzzle to progress. I have to hit two switches and shoot out some weak planks to make water rise high enough to reach the ledge.
Inside the temple I find what looks like another part of the compass. The way back is blocked and I have to find a way out. There is a ledge which you can edge along to the left as you come in. This way leads out to the surface, where Buck is waiting. He tells Jason that he doesn't know what is happening, but knows where he is heading. Jason puts the two pieces of compass together and the glow becomes stronger. Buck vanishes. Is he an hallucination?

Main mission Eighteen
Buck is at an old mine when I get there. He tells us that one of the Japanese soldiers took a boat full of treasure and went AWOL. He came to the island and took over. However his superiors caught up and killed him. The treasure wasn't found to this day. Buck indicated that it might be in the mine, or at least further clues are. I go inside. I fight pirates inside the caves. Then i come to a door which is opened using the compass. Inside is a temple with a pull ring in the middle of the floor. This leads into a new cave and a large chasm with a temple. Inside the temple I find another piece of the compass. I then have to run as the place comes down around us. Buck is waiting outside and I put the next piece into the compass.

Main Mission Nineteen
The compass leads us to a large sinkhole. Buck is there as usual. He tells us that we are looking for the tomb of the renegade Japanese soldier. I dive in and find a cave around the edge of the sinkhole. I fight past many many pirates. The new thing here is hot water springs. If you fall in the water you get scalded. I have to make my way through the large caves using stepping stones. I find the tomb and enter it. Here I find the Knife, as I take it dragon heads start spouting fire. I escape barely as the ceiling caves in. Buck isn't there surprisingly. He calls us and asks to meet him at his hut in Bad-town.

Main Mission Twenty
I go to Bucks house. He gives us a key in return for the knife. I go down into the cellar and find that Keith has been held there. It appears that Buck has been sexually abusing him. He comes down into the cellar brandishing the knife. He has no intention of letting either of them leave. I get into a QuickTime fight with him. It ends up with Buck stabbed with the knife. Keith and Jason leave. Keith begs us not to tell anyone about what has been happening. Back in the cave Keith tells Jason that Riley is dead. Jason does not take it well and swears revenge. His girlfriend tries to calm him but Jason rejects her.

Main mission Twenty-one
I go to Citra's temple and give her the knife. She tells us a story of Gods and monsters and how a hero cut of the monsters head. She tells us that a new monster has arisen and asks if we are the hero. Jason tells her that he wants to get revenge rather than just save his friends. Citra tells him that if he helps save Rakyat prisoners she will give him the power to Defeat Vas. I am sent to go and talk to the Rakyat leader, I thought Citra was the Rakyat leader? I find him in the church of a small village. Vas' trucks are due to pass through. We are going to ambush them. I have to plant C4 on a fuel tanker by the side of the road. I am then given thirty seconds to get up to the top of a water tower. The convoy comes in and they are not pirates. They looked like military vehicles. It is too late, the C4 goes off and the first jeep is wrecked. I then have to take out as many of the soldiers with a sniper rifle as I can. The truck leaves. I have to give chase. I zip line down to a handy truck and follow the vehicle. The vehicle stops a little further down the road and I have a few soldiers to deal with. The truck is now unguarded. I open the back and Vas is waiting to pistol whip Jason unconscious.
Vas has us tied up, on the edge of a cliff with a breeze block tied to a rope. He gives us a speech about insanity, which would have been effective is we hadn't already seen it at E3. Jason ends up in the water and I have to mash A to get free. I now have to escape. I come to a pirate settlement and a helicopter passes overhead. I have to reach the helicopter. If I trigger the alarm, and it seems hard not to I have four minutes to reach the copter. I eventually manage it and in cut scene Jason tells the pilot to take off at gunpoint. The pirates shoot down the copter and it crashes. Jason struggles from the wreckage only to be faced with Vas. Vas simply shoots him at point blank range this time. Jason awakes in a pile of bodies and I have to do QuickTime to get out. The Rakyat run in fear, thinking Jason a zombie. Dennis talks to us and we find that a lighter in our pocket saved us. Jason tells Dennis that he is going to see Citra. We have to get our equipment back. This means I must stealth kill a bunch of pirates and get my gear back from a cupboard.

Main Mission Twenty Two
Now to go and chat with Citra, I meet her further into the temple. She gives us more drugs.
This leads to a vision where a huge monster with a mask rises from the temple. We have to shoot it with arrows. In the middle of this boss fight some normal sized masked warrior attack. After plugging the mask with hundreds of arrows it collapses and I have to climb it's arm. I plunge the knife we got earlier into it's eye and have a QuickTime struggle with it. Finally it is defeated and Jason wakes with Citra on top of him practically naked. She calls us a true Rakyat warrior and the Rakyat bow down and pledge to follow us against Vas.

Main Mission Twenty Three
Now we see another mission that was shown at E3. I should stop watching these things, they spoil the game. Anyway. I jump off a cliff, reach a jetty and kill a pirate. Then move towards a camp. I take out some pirates outside and climb inside the camp on a handy rope.
On entering the camp we find a trap. Vas has a room set aside to try and burn us alive in. I escape and fight my way through the camp to a large door with an eye painted on it. There are a lot of pirates to kill here. Inside I enter a room and Vas appears in cut scene to ambush us and sticks us with the stone Rakyat knife. This causes more hallucinatory trips.
Here we see Jason and Vas flickering into each other as if they are the same person. Vas and Citra also do the same thing. Vas asks if we are enjoying his sister's company. This I assume means that he and Citra are sisters. In an annoying scene where Vas' run at me I have to kill him. Rushing past the ghostly Vas seems the best plan. as you come up to him on a stage and then get into a QuickTime fight. Here Vas is killed using the Rakyat knife.

Main Mission Twenty four
Jason wakes beside Citra, she continues to feed him drugs. She talks of how Vas was corrupted by Hoyt. Jason swears to Citra that he will get revenge on Hoyt for her. She asks about Jason's friends and Jason tells us that they will leave the island by boat, without him. He will stay with her. We are then told to leave for Hoyts island. Willis will sneak us over to it. On the way out of the temple we meet Dennis who is very drunk. We are now to speak with our friends. I go and in cut scene tell them to go without me. Lisa is of course upset. I call Willis and ask about help with Hoyt. Willis tells us that his cover is blown and he is leaving. He tells us that he is leaving by plane and can take us over to Hoyt's island if we are quick. This means that I have to get to the plane in under five minutes. I do this and find Willis under attack by pirates. I save him and we find the plane damaged. I now have  to protect Willis while he fixes the plane as what seems like a horde of pirates attacks. Once done Willis urges us to get in and tells us to go to a bar on the other island and whistle the star spangled banner, this is a signal to his CIA friend on the island. Willis lets us drop from the plane onto the island.

Main Mission Twenty-Five
On the new island I must take out some pirates and steal their truck. I am now to drive it to a large settlement. Here I find the soldier types guarding the place. They are not hostile so far. I enter the town and find the bar called the Crazy Cock. This is where I am to meet Willis' friend. In the bar I join a poker game. I actually can play poker here. Though not for long. Jason whistles and Sam gets up and leaves the game. I follow.Out in the alley he pulls a gun and asks who we are working for. Jason tells him that it is Willis and he is amenable. Sam takes us into his house and we talk about taking down Hoyt. He suggest that we infiltrate his organization and destabilize it. We must go to a new recruit area and obtain a uniform. I have to sneak down through a long winding set of tunnels to the bottom, where I take a swim and find a large boat in a cave. Finally I am allowed too kill a recruit for the uniform and then go and get scanned in. I do this and then join the new recruits for a talk from Hoyt. The talk includes Hoyt setting a man who has wronged him alight.  One of Hoyts men in part of a group who are stealing from him. He asks us to join in.

Main Mission Twenty-Six
Sam thinks we can use the thieves to get on Hoyts good side. We are to try and find a list of their names held by the leader. Then then turn them in to Hoyt.
Basically what this means is that I must find three captain enemies in a large temple excavation area and kill them and search their bodies. I don't find the list I am looking for. Sam tells us to meet him at a drug plantation

Main mission Twenty seven
Pirates are attacking Hoyt's drug farm. They have planted bombs, we have to diffuse them. This is basically a mission where you follow Sam around and protect him as he defuses the bombs. Three bombs must be defused. One sees you on top of a roof as enemies surround the other gives you an emplaced gun.

Main Mission Twenty eight
Sam tells us to go to a mining camp and see if we can find more about who the thieves are. I arrive at the camp and am told to approach from the river and try and take pictures of the leaders. I wind my way through this large gorge side camp and see the meeting take place. I snap a picture with my camera. I am then told to stop the truck leaving with the leader in it. I must us a rocket to stop it. This is to be done in a time limit of under a minute. This leads to all hell breaking loose as you break cover. I then have to fight my way to the body of the leader and loot it. This is a long hard fun mission.

Main Mission Twenty nine
Sam tells us that we must take the list and evidence to Hoyt. I meet Sam at the gates of Hoyts HQ a heavily walled and fortified compound. In cut scene we meet Hoyt in an office. Hoyt talks about the thieves and asks if we want into his inner circle. He asks about our hobbies. Jason says hunting is his. Hoyt talks about civilization and contact lenses. Then he blows up a boat full of people that he was keeping hostage.  He tells us to go and interrogate a prisoner that he has downstairs. He tells us that Sam will help. He also tells us he will watch on the video monitor. I can see a trap coming a mile off, why can't Jason.
Down in the basement I find a television playing some of the video taken when Jason was a carefree tourist. Why doesn't this strike him as odd? This obviously shows that Hoyt knows what he looks like. In the cell I find Riley Brody. He recognizes us, Jason starts beating him and asking him questions. Sam manages to make a loop on the camera, though we only have a few seconds. Jason tells Riley that he will get him out, though he is going to have to hurt him now. I then have to QuickTime beat up Riley. Hoyt is happy with our work and he invites us to play poker. Sam discusses his plan to cause chaos and in the aftermath assassinate Hoyt.

Main Mission Thirty
The first objective in Sam's plan is to take out a communications centre.
I go to the camp with a large satellite dish.  Here i must blow the doors to a bunker with C4. This causes a ruckus and I have to kill a small army to get into the bunker. I then have to kill the rest of the army inside the bunker moving from room to room. Then up to the dish to place C4 on it. I now have to defend the C4 until Sam can come and collect me. He lands the helicopter in the base as all hell is letting loose. Sam takes off and I blow the dish.

Main Mission Thirty one
I now have to attack a fuel depot. This is a full on assault with Sam using a jeep with a mounted gun. I have to go to four points in the depot and place C4. Then go to a last where Sam goes inside a building. I have to defend him using the emplaced gun. We then flee the depot and it explodes.

Main Mission Thirty two
I meet Sam at Hoyts compound. We go inside and play poker. Sam plans to kill Hoyt during the game with a knife. However during the game Hoyt plays his hand and kills Sam with a knife instead. Hoyt has known all along and has been toying with us. He makes us play another hand of poker for our life. We end up in a knife fight with Hoyt, which is an annoying QuickTime affair. Once Hoyt is dispatched Jason finds himself in a room full of bodies. We now must get to the airport where Riley is being held in under ten minutes. I manage this and find a large airfield. Here I must fight my way to the room where Riley is being held. Inside I free him and then have to fight some more enemies. We get into a helicopter and Riley flies while we use the emplaced gun. I have to blow up jeeps, enemies and some helicopters to end the mission.

Main Mission Thirty Three
Riley flies the helicopter to Earnhardt's mansion. When I get there the mansion is on fire. I find Earnhardt dying, he tells us that the Rakyat took our friends to the temple.
I go back to the helicopter and we then arrive at the temple. I run inside and a cut scene starts in the courtyard. Citra welcomes us and congratulates us on our victory. She blows dust in our face, which is obviously drugged. Jason wakes to find Citra handcuffing him. Citra tells us that we must be cleansed and then we can be with her. She leaves Jason and he frees himself. I then walk along a flaming path, lined with warriors who bow as we pass. I hear Lisa talking about us as if we are insane. Citra tells us that we should stay with her and forget our old life. At the end of the walk, Citra gives us the Rakyat blade. We are given a choice, kill Lisa or save her. I choose to save my friends. Citra begs us to reconsider. Dennis comes forward angrily to kill us for rejecting Citra's love. He tried to stab us but Citra gets in between us and he stabs her by mistake. Citra dies in Jason's arms. Dennis cries over her body. The credits roll.

20 hours 675 Achievement points.

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